Insurer responds to allegations against Ever Given and master

According to Reuters, insurance company UK Club has objected to the Suez Canal Authority's statement claiming that Ever Given was sailing too fast before the grounding. The ship's speed was controlled by an operator of the canal, the insurance company says.
Photo: Mohamed Abd El Ghany/Reuters/Ritzau Scanpix
Photo: Mohamed Abd El Ghany/Reuters/Ritzau Scanpix

Marine insurance company UK Club objects to statements claiming that Ever Given was sailing too fast before the grounding, which lasted nearly a week.

The chair of the Suez Canal Authority, SCA, Osama Rabie, recently claimed to Reuters that Ever Given was sailing at 25 km per hour rather than the appropriate level of 8-9 km per hour.

According to Reuters, Rabie claimed that the ship's rudder wasn't adjusted, that the ship could have opted to not pass through the canal due to bad weather, and that the canal bore no responsibility in the grounding.

In a response from UK Club, the insurance company states that the ship's speed was controlled by the operator of the Suez Canal prior to the grounding in March, writes Reuters.

"It is important to clarify that whilst the master is ultimately responsible for the vessel, navigation in the Canal transit within a convoy is controlled by the Suez Canal pilots and SCA vessel traffic management services. Such controls include the speed of the transit and the availability of escort tugs," UK Club states, according to Reuters.

Ever Given is still being detained in the canal area, while the two parties continue to negotiate compensation.

The SCA has previously demanded USD 916 million in compensation, which was subsequently lowered to the current demand of USD 550 million including a depositum of USD 200 million to have the ship released.

Saturday, an Egyptian court postponed a hearing.

English Edit: L. N. Barnes

SCA chair claims blames Ever Given's grounding on high speed

Suez Canal Authority reports death during the refloating of Ever Given

Suez Canal Authority will free Ever Given for a deposit 

Egypt offers to cut compensation claim for blocking of canal 


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