Dan-Bunkering CEO joins parent company's executive board

After less than a year as CEO of Dan-Bunkering, Christoffer Berg Lassen is now entering the executive board of parent company Bunker Holding. Going forward, Group CEO Keld R. Demant will focus on the company's acquisition strategy, he tells ShippingWatch.
Keld R. Demant, group CEO for Bunker Holding. PR-foto | Photo: Bunker Holding
Keld R. Demant, group CEO for Bunker Holding. PR-foto | Photo: Bunker Holding

Dan-Bunkering will again be looking for a new CEO, after less than one year.

This is happening as current CEO Christoffer Berg Lassen has been promoted to the executive board of parent company Bunker Holding, according to the Danish corporate registry.

Bunker Holding Group CEO Keld R. Demant confirms this to ShippingWatch. He explains that Lassen is joining the executive board as chief commercial officer, CCO, and that the company will in the coming year find a permanent replacement for him as CEO of Dan-Bunkering.

At Bunker Holding, Lassen will be responsible for the group's various companies, while Demant will get more time to focus on potential acquisitions.

"We see a huge and very interesting potential for acquisitions, and we need to free some resources to look into this. That's largely what I will be doing going forward," Demant tells ShippingWatch:

"Consolidation in the sector will become one of my main tasks, namely to take part in assessing and negotiating which direction to go and how fast to do it."

(Article continues under the photo)

Photo: Dan-Bunkering
Photo: Dan-Bunkering

With the expansion, the bunker group's executive board now consists of three people, with Demant continuing as Group CEO, Jesper Klokker Hansen as CFO and now Lassen as CCO.

As chief commercial officer, 33-year-old Lassen will get the overall responsibility of running Bunker Holding's existing companies, explains Demant.

"All bunker companies answer to a brand manager, who then answers to Christoffer Berg Lassen, who will coordinate and ensure that our strategy is realized," he says.

"We looked internally as well as externally, but we haven't found anyone who like Christoffer Berg Lassen has such a knowledge about the market, a track record of governing through others and who also understands the culture we represent."

Demant rejects the notion that removing Lassen as CEO of Dan-Bunkering will weaken the company. According to Demant, this is because the company's employees are among the most senior at Bunker Holding, which originally started as Dan-Bunkering.

Dan-Bunkering to find a new CEO

Lassen began his career in the bunker sector in 2004 as a trainee at Dan-Bunkering.

After spending some years at another of Bunker Holding's companies, Glander International Bunkering, he returned to Dan-Bunkering last spring – as CEO.

But now less than a year later, the bunker company must again find a new CEO.

Demant tells ShippingWatch that the company will find a replacement "within the next 12 months."

"Christoffer Berg Lassen has already made his mark on Dan-Bunkering, so that some of the company's physical activities have been moved to our new concept, Bunker One. So it will also be a more streamlined company to take over and manage going forward," Demant tells ShippingWatch.

He adds that Lassen as CCO will also handle some of the management tasks at Dan-Bunkering.

"But there are already some of the tasks he had there which have been delegated out to others on the Dan-Bunkering executive team."

Bunker Holding, which booked revenue of DKK 44 billion (USD 7.2 billion) through its 43 companies in 26 countries, accounts for a majority of the business in Denmark's USTC group. USTC also has activities in shipping, shipowning and IT.

English Edit: Daniel Logan Berg-Munch

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