Group split and oil sale were harmful to the Maersk brand

Maersk's public reputation took a hit in 2017, according to a public perception survey among almost 23,000 Danish respondents. The split of the group and the sale of Maersk Oil were both factors, says consultant. Maersk recognizes the conclusion.
Photo: Maersk Line
Photo: Maersk Line

Another industry giant has lost public support and this time the giant is Maersk Group, writes Caliber based on a large, annual image survey which the company conducts in Denmark about 100 companies.

While Novo Nordisk suffered a setback in 2016, last year it was Maersk's image that took the hit due to "dramatic news", writes Caliber.

Maersk declined in ranking every quarter last year and the group ended in slot number 32 in 2017 with a trust and affection score of 66.7 points – a reduction of 1.7 points relative to Caliber's survey in 2016.

"The splitting of the company into two separate companies, and the subsequent sale of its oil & gas activities to Total, have resulted in a consistent drop of its trust & affection score in every quarter of 2017. In Q4 A.P. Møller – Mærsk was ranked 47th in the top 100 list – down from 25th position in Q1," Caliber writes about Maersk.

In an email to ShippingWatch, Maersk writes that the firm recognizes the conclusion that the study has drawn about the company.

"The result of this survey is in line with the trends that we have also noted in the development of our reputation after an eventful year for Maersk," writes VP of Communications, Mette Refshauge, who adds:

"We're in the midst of an extensive transformation with the aim of integrating our transport and logistics companies and improving the customer experience with integrated, digital solutions across the global supply chain. Our strategic transformation is the road toward sustainable growth for Maersk and we believe that the strategy will deliver value in the long term, not just to customers and shareholders, but also in relation to the perception of our brand."

DFDS ranks 36

The 2017 results are based on answers from 22,912 Danish survey respondents, who were asked two questions about 100 companies. The questions were about how much they trust a company and to what extent they like a company.

The 100 companies were selected on criteria such as revenue, number of staff, knowledge and market share. Despite a reduced top score, Lego ranks number 1 on the 2017 list, while the Danish postal service Postnord ranks last.

Fellow shipping company DFDS is also on the list, in spot number 36, where the score was 0.9 points worse than in 2016. DSV ranks 57th and notes growth of 0.6 points.

Despite the reduced public reputation, Maersk is not the firm with the largest decline in 2017. These were Postnord, KMD and the Danish Broadcasting Corporation, which performed 9, 7.6 and 5.7 points worse than in 2016, respectively.

English Edit: Gretchen Deverell Pedersen

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