Putin looking to grow Northern Sea Route traffic ten-fold by 2025

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ranked Arctic development high on his agenda. He expects that traffic through the Northern Sea Route will increase ten-fold ahead of 2025, report several news outlets.
Photo: Privat
Photo: Privat

Traffic in the Arctic and sailings through the Northern Sea Route constitute a key target area for the Russian government.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has the Arctic region among his priorities, and he stressed these ambitions in a speech on the state of the nation to the country's parliament Thursday.

"We are strengthening the scientific, transport, navigation and military infrastructure that will securely ensure the interests of Russia in this strategically important region," said Putin, according to several media.

The Northern Sea Route plays a key part in these efforts.

"The Northern Sea Route will be the key to the development of the Russian Arctic and the regions of the Far East. By 2025, its traffic will increase tenfold, to 80 million tons," said the Russian president in his speech.

Japanese carrier MOL signed a cooperation agreement earlier this week with the Russian Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East about sailing the Northern Sea Route.

English Edit: Daniel Logan Berg-Munch

MOL partners with Russia on Northern Sea Route services 

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