This week's top stories on ShippingWatch

The environment and an upcoming critical meeting of the IMO characterized the week at ShippingWatch with the question about future environmental cheaters and whether a heated environmental debate will end up as a failed coup. Also read about Maersk's transformation and a major German acquisition by V. Group.
Photo: /ritzau/Marius Nyheim
Photo: /ritzau/Marius Nyheim

Several major environmental questions ahead of critical debate

At next week's MEPC meeting both sulfur and CO2 will feature high on the agenda when the world's largest maritime nations meet in London. Read up on perspectives leading up to the meeting.

Will high-wire environmental discussion end up as a failed coup? 

Shipping's climate ambitions will now be tested

Staff functions to be hit by Maersk transformation

Maersk's transformation of many years will also hit several stuff functions within the group, said Maersk Line's COO Søren Toft to ShippingWatch. Areas such as finance, IT and HR will feel the impact of the next wave of the group's streamlining process.

Staff positions at Maersk companies to be hit by streamlining


V. Group in major German acquisition

Photo: V. Group Norddeutsche Reederei
Photo: V. Group Norddeutsche Reederei

Ship management company V. Group confirmed to ShippingWatch this week that the company has bought a controlling share in the Hamburg based carrier Norddeutsche Reederei H. Schuldt, which has a fleet of 46 container vessels.

V. Group acquires German shipowner Norddeutsche Reederei 


Larger capital requirements for the bunker industry by 2020

Photo: Modelfoto/Colourbox
Photo: Modelfoto/Colourbox

Hapag-Lloyd: New BAF will break with old policies 

Frustrations about bad bunker remain intact

Significantly bigger capital needs will strain bunker sector from 2020

Read on about OMT's deficit, Singapore's investment in 3D printing and the Thorco shipwreck

Hard-pressed OMT implements staff reduction

Singapore wants to 3D print infrastructure in ports 

Bomin denies responsibility for Thorco accident


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