Blue Water hit by cyber attack

Hackers have tried to gain access to data and systems at Danish logistics company Blue Water Shipping. According to the company, the attack was "stopped and limited".
Photo: Jan Dagø/Jyllands-Posten/Ritzau Scanpix
Photo: Jan Dagø/Jyllands-Posten/Ritzau Scanpix

Logistics company Blue Water Shipping has been at the receiving end of a cyber attack.

With help from external security experts the Danish company discovered the so-called ransom ware attack Friday, Sep. 11.

Several systems were subsequently shut down, and according to Blue Water the company managed to stop and limit the hacker attack.

"Cyber crime is unfortunately a widespread and growing issue, and as the consequences of an attack can be very extensive, we find it necessary to shut down our systems," says Blue Water's CFO Flemming Busch in a statement.

The attack did not affect Blue Water's operations or freight aboard ships or trucks. However, the closure of the systems has meant that customers have not been able to book freights electronically.

"The closure is causing disruptions – but only temporarily – and our employees are still able to handle all customers' transport tasks. Fortunately, we are meeting great understanding of our handling, which is both concerned with protecting ourselves and our customers," says the CFO.

Blue Water tells ShippingWatch that the company is in the process of a controlled reopening of its systems. The company does not yet know who is behind the attack, nor has the company been in contact with the hackers.

Costs associated with the attack are also unknown at this time.

English Edit: Ida Jacobsen

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