Last week's top stories on ShippingWatch

Maersk plans to sue a Spanish billionaire, Torm CEO Jacob Meldgaard talks to ShippingWatch after the release of the carrier's annual report for 2016, and dry bulk may be closer to recovery. All this and more on ShippingWatch this past week.
Photo: Klaveness
Photo: Klaveness

Torm released its 2016 annual report and CEO Jacob Meldgaard tells ShippingWatch that the carrier has not shelved the IPO plans even though the carrier suffered a big deficit of USD 142 million for the year after a large fleet impairment. But the tanker rates will need to improve and oil stockpiles go down before a listing becomes relevant, he says.

Tanker rates need to improve before Torm launches IPO 

Major impairment hits Torm with USD 142 million loss in 2016 


APM Terminals has launched a case against Spanish businessman and former owner of Grup Maritim TCB, Ángel Pérez Maura. The company wants compensation after becoming entangled in a corruption case in Guatemala.

Photo: Terminal de Contenedores Quetzal
Photo: Terminal de Contenedores Quetzal

APM Terminals sues former owner of TCB 


Royal Arctic Line released a record financial report for the Greenland-owned carrier. Meanwhile, the carrier's CEO, Verner Hammeken, unveiled the plans for a comprehensive transition of the business.

Photo: POLFOTO/Ole G. Jensen
Photo: POLFOTO/Ole G. Jensen

Royal Arctic Line delivers record result for 2016 

Royal Arctic Line vessels to be flagged in Greenland 


Although the heralded recovery in dry bulk still has not arrived, there are signs that it is indeed approaching.

Dry bulk carriers detect increasing interest in Asia 

Noble Chartering secures new revenue from Europe 

The dry bulk carriers lost billions again in 2016 

Klaveness on bulk in 2017: Slightly better but not good 


Make sure to keep up with other stories as well:

Former Maersk executive joins V. Group board of directors 

Kongsberg: These are the top four trends in digital shipping 

The Alliance will safeguard customers against Hanjin situation 

HSH Nordbank has scaled down container exposure 

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