This week's top stories on ShippingWatch

11 small parcels from North Korea were transported by a Maersk company, reported ShippingWatch this week. Other stories include the prospect of tariff barriers and a police report filed against Maersk Supply Service.
Nordkoreas leder Kim Joung-un | Photo: Ritzau Scanpix
Nordkoreas leder Kim Joung-un | Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

Maersk company transported missile components from North Korea

A Maersk company played a part in transporting components for ballistic missiles in an illegal arms deal between North Korea and Egypt in 2013, shows a report produced by the UN, which has investigated the transaction for years. The report calls it "a high-profile violation" of the sanctions imposed on North Korea.

Maersk company carried arms components from North Korea 

11 small parcels with missile parts from illegal sender

UN advisor criticizes Maersk's shipment for North Korea 


Global tariff clash

Photo: Ritzau Scanpix/Evan Vucci
Photo: Ritzau Scanpix/Evan Vucci

A trade war between the US and China moved a step closer when US President Donald Trump on Thursday acted on his plans to impose tariffs on Chinese goods for upwards of USD 60 billiion. Meanwhile, the EU and six other nations were exempted from Trump's tariffs on steel and aluminum for now.

Trade war inches closer in US-China tariff clash 

China announces soft response to US tariffs 

Analyst downplays tariff war's impact on shipping 

The US will impose USD 50 billion in tariffs on Chinese goods 

China ready to fight back against Trump's tariff threat


Police to investigate Maersk Supply Service wreck

Photo: Privatfoto/Den Maritime Havarikommission
Photo: Privatfoto/Den Maritime Havarikommission

Danish police will now look into the Maersk Supply Service incident from December 2016 in which two ships dramatically sank off the coast of France while being towed side-by-side, said the company in a press release.

Maersk Supply Service reported to police after shipwreck 

DNV GL warns against towage used in Maersk wreck 


And don't forget to read about the departure of Maersk Group's CFO, a cyber attack on Svitzer, DNV GL, Zeaborn and more:

Tough 2017 cost 835 jobs at DNV GL 

Maersk to find new chief financial officer 

Seaspan CEO: Modern container ships are more important than ever 

Maersk hit by new hacker attack 

Zeaborn strengthens container business with huge acquisition 

Zeaborn: Our debt free fleet is our crucial asset 

English Edit: Daniel Logan Berg-Munch

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