Last week's top stories on ShippingWatch

Verdict issued against former OW Bunker executive Lars Møller, a growing number of shippers lashed out at the liner companies' new emergency BAF and BW LPG offers to buy Dorian LPG. Here are this week's top stories on ShippingWatch.
Photo: Ritzau Scanpix/Kasper Palsnov
Photo: Ritzau Scanpix/Kasper Palsnov

OW Bunker executive sentenced to prison

Lars Møller, former CEO of OW Bunker's Singapore-subsidiary Dynamic Oil Trading, was sentenced to 1.5 years in prison on Wednesday in the case concerning out-of-control credits to a trading partner.

OW Bunker's Singapore CEO sentenced to 1.5 years in prison


Fierce criticism of the liner companies' new emergency BAF

Photo: Privat/Twitter
Photo: Privat/Twitter

The new emergency bunker surcharge (BAF) announced by several of the world's biggest liner companies has caused a stir among the shippers, as they will be the ones to pay the new surcharge. At one of the world's biggest shippers, Electrolux, VP of Global Logistics Bjørn Vang did not try hide his disappointment about the new BAF. US-based Cargill also joined the criticism.

Electrolux voices fierce criticism of liner companies' new bunker surcharge

Shippers will take emergency BAF case to the EU Commission 

Cargill joins criticism of liner companies' emergency BAF 

The battle over the emergency bunker surcharge heats up

Hapag-Lloyd follows suit with emergency bunker surcharge


Billion-dollar acquisition underway in the LPG sector

Photo: BW LPG
Photo: BW LPG

BW LPG offers to buy Dorian in billion dollar deal 

BW LPG goes on the offensive with bid for Dorian 

Acquisition-hungry BW LPG books Q1 deficit 


Further reading

67 capesizes could be without work two years from now

World's biggest vessel in extraordinary offshore operation 

EU moves closer to screening of Chinese acquisitions 


English Edit: Daniel Logan Berg-Munch

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